Title of publication: Sansavenir: libro bianco su Taranto
Graphic design, art direction: Alessandro Busi, Federico Conti Picamus, Maria Roberta Cramarossa, Giorgio Fanecco, Riccardo Zecchini, Tommaso Zennaro
Photographer: Pierangelo Laterza
Idea and supervision: Mauro Bubbico (Graphic Design at Isia Urbino)
Project: ISIA, Urbino
Editor: self publish
Publication date: Jun 2013
Place of publication: Urbino, Italy
Edition size: 1 Copy
Format: Hardcover, case binding
Size: 20.5 cm x 25.5 cm
Number of pages: 160
Type of printing: Digital
A book to illustrate the critical story of Ilva Taranto.
We designed a book in which we present some utopian documents from the Sixties matched with contemporary pictures, manipulated and distorted to represent the actual conditions. The book is divided in seven sections: an introduction formed by historical essays, from Pier Paolo Pasolini (La lunga strada di sabbia, 1959) to Mimmo Castellano (Statte km5, 1962) and six chapters that describe different aspects of the city.
Project developed at ISIA, Urbino - Biennio in Comunicazione e Design per l'Editoria - Corso di Progettazione Grafica
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